Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Lack of access to NHRA Driver Statistics

Since I began writing my blog a month ago, I realized NHRA fans do not have online access to a very important piece of information – Driver Statistics. In any sport, hardcore fans are all about statistics. They can tell you everything about their favorite team, player, etc up to the minute. League websites for stick and ball sports have very detailed statistics about teams and players where fans can pull this information from. With the NHRA, this is not possible. On the NHRA website, only driver bios and basic career wins information is provided. What if I wanted to know a driver’s round win/loss record for the current season? What if I wanted to know a driver’s average reaction time or his win/loss record against an opponent? To my knowledge, this information is not available anywhere on the internet. As an aspiring journalist, having access to these statistics online would provide me with the ability to analyze the data and write more interesting and timely articles for my readers. While the statistics feature in National Dragster is nice, it only scratches the surface of what can be made available and it is usually outdated by the time the issue arrives.

I’m sure I am not the only person who needs or wants access to this information. If you feel the same way as I do, please write to NHRA or contact them via social media. Their contact information is below:

E-mail –


  1. Steve, you are correct. All of this would be great information to have. I do not know if NHRA has it readily available, but you know they do have it. The better option may be ESPN. It is well documented about the statistical capabilities that they have. Lewis Bloom brings up all kinds of stats during the NHRA broadcasts. Somewhere they should have some stuff as well. That could be another option to contact.

  2. Perhaps you could contact the fine folks over at AA/FC Registry. They keep fabulous stats on all of the nostalgia funny cars. They may have a suggestion of where to go next. Good luck!
